Sunday, December 19, 2010

water rafting...

yeah i did it hehe... dat was hell fun and memorable experience that i've gone through... even it cost you... well it is a worth paid actually (tpi tak jugak coz i missed two important thing in my day) yg ni mmg sgt2 regret tak buat.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

randomize - life

well for a few weeks back till today, alot of thing had come up... started with the small accident which i think it's like one kind of reminder for me to be nice to all people and starts to believe that u r nothing without others... yeah to cherish our life we need others for that i really appreciate ur kindness.

is rely-ing on others is necessary??? well i think it depends on the situation. For me who had gone through it yes relying on others is one way to share our burden, it is seems to be important but i really want to evade it.

don't know why, its like if im asking a hand its like im going to troublesome them. which i dont like. coz i dont want them to see my weakest part maybe.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

congratulations and takziah.....

Tahniah pada kawan-kawan yang melangsungkan perkahwinan may Allah S.W.T. bless your marriage, tak lupa jugak pada housemate2 ku... hehe... rite now i'm alone dah tak de yat yg jadi teman bercakap, teman memasak + teman makan, teman advisor, teman jalan-jalan huhuhu... sangat terasa ok... ni baru nak masuk second week huahua... dan jugak takziah di atas pemergiaan ur dad yang pergi tak akan kembali lagi.... kita yang berhidup ni sentiasa la beringat-ingat bila pulak our turn...

Ada suka dan ada duka...