Thursday, May 28, 2009


this is the latest LSR camera new gadget yang harus di grab....
tp masalahnye ia hanya mejadi OMG utk org mcm aku kot...
mmg coolio habis la... dpt satu mmg gembira tak hengat pyelah....

part 1: devilish inside me....

I'm being totally jerk lately... don't know why but i guess it is a maybe one of the mechanism which is i try to protect myself from my surrounding so that I'll be secured in so many thing but unfortunately that method doesn't work at all (devil inside me said "haiya stupid la you"...) its a lesson to be learn en???? i'll kept it in my mind i try to evade this thing so it won't happen in future...

There is a but......
the prob is....
I'm a human being
as a human being we are tend to do a mistake, were not perfect isn't
so i won't keep this as a promise but i try to ...

can I????
there's no answer for this question.....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

new life....

Setelah agak lama meninggalkan zmn *d, am I OFFICIALLY goin back to school hehe....

Rsa mcm takut pon ada cuak pon ade...
yela budak baru nk belaja la katekan....
and for sure byk benda yg aku nk kene cover
and pretty sure my life goin to be upside down ahead to the following years
which turn me into 'zombie life' again haha....

eyes n mouth

Manusia dibekalkan dua mata,
tetapi hanya dengan satu mulut
supaya dia dapat melihat dua kali
lebih banyak daripada berbicara.

Siapa yang banyak bicaranya
akan banyak pula celaanya.

one email that i got from yahoo group's member which actually quite true... yg aku setuju 100%

mulut tu senjata nya ialah lidah. lidah tu umpama sebilah pedang yg tajam yg mana mampu merobekkan hati dengan satu perkataan sahaja. Jadi berhati-hatilah dengan pengucapan kte kerana ia mungkin akan menyebabkan orang lain terluka.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

last day SE...

berakhirnya xm, berakhirlah jua SE sem nih....

lots of fun and happening time i feel for this session and the best part was yesterday whereby we were going to ole-ole to celebrate the end of the SE. we end it with bowling tournament among all of us. whereby,

1. faizal with the "hentak" style (my team member)
2. pian with the superman action
3. che din with the upside down style

haha... u guys rock dowh....

hopefully can play with u guys again ahaks....

one thing yg cannot go habis semua perangai beruk makyeah aku kuar.... (yg selama ni aku pekop rapat2 haha...) yg aku pasti orang yg tak sangka aku akn jadi mcm tuh... betoi en???? sbb aku slalunya menjadi seorang yg pendiam... tp itu lah aku menopeng sejati...

Friday, May 1, 2009

buruh yg x buruh....

1st may org kate ari buruh tp aku x rasa pon mcm tuh coz aku still dok kat opis konon2 nk myiapkan kojo la... tp sbnrye sibuk mgadap komputer haha...
dgn keje yg agak bertimbun tu aku rasa mcm nk ignore kan aje... tp ape boleh buat... due date nya udah dekat... (boleh kot siap)
esok kene keje... aku suke tp aku penat...huhu

malam ni kene tido seseorg huhu takotnyer.... taper2 aku akn kuncikan diri aku dlm bilik dan tak keluar2 mengelakkan sebarang kemungkinan yg akn terjadi... ciss penakot sungguh aku nih. (tp kalo tak silap la ...aku penah dgr kalo baby yg lahir pada malam hari ke subuh aku tak ingat nature nya mcm akulah "penakot" sbb aku pon mcm tuh hehe) ape yg aku merepek nih...

yg pasti esok kene keje.....