Thursday, May 7, 2009

last day SE...

berakhirnya xm, berakhirlah jua SE sem nih....

lots of fun and happening time i feel for this session and the best part was yesterday whereby we were going to ole-ole to celebrate the end of the SE. we end it with bowling tournament among all of us. whereby,

1. faizal with the "hentak" style (my team member)
2. pian with the superman action
3. che din with the upside down style

haha... u guys rock dowh....

hopefully can play with u guys again ahaks....

one thing yg cannot go habis semua perangai beruk makyeah aku kuar.... (yg selama ni aku pekop rapat2 haha...) yg aku pasti orang yg tak sangka aku akn jadi mcm tuh... betoi en???? sbb aku slalunya menjadi seorang yg pendiam... tp itu lah aku menopeng sejati...

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