Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I once do felt the same way

Regarding the drama series title nur kasih on tv3....
It is not the marriage that i want to mentioned but It is very touché you know since i do feel the same way like adam felt when his father passed away but i don’t want to stressed bout that....
The things that keep running in my head is the situation when adam sat beside his father’s grave. Whereby, when he looked at the surah yasin, coz he doesn't know how to recite the surah.... the Arabic characters

back then when im still not me like today...

i admit...
im not a perfect person
i still remember the time when stupidity surrounding me....
im pretty sure that korg will said lampi betoi bdk ni coz it is me actually
yg tak bpe nk brilliant enough...
in many way.....

Even for now pon
but there is certain extend of improvement la…….
takan la semedang je nk dok takat tu jgk kot…

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