Wednesday, March 25, 2009

sangat menjenkel kan hati aku yg sedia kecik

almost every day aku facing ngan benda ni tapi nk buat ape mmg dh job aku, ia sgt ignorant bukan??? IYA bagi aku, mcm kte ni tggul kat dpan berbuih-buih kte bcakap in the end tak dpt respond balik. Mmg fed up kalo nk ikot kan... sehingga boleh mmbuat temperature aku naik thap giga. Tp biase la aku kan penopeng sejati tak aci lah nk tjuk bad side aku kat depan org. Mana class...

one of my frend pon mcm tuh gak... kte ni pye la excited bercerita tup...tup... dia pandang org lain.... and said like this
"ko tgk org tu dia mcm lambai kat aku" hey common
"dari tadi aku bercakap ngan ko, ko tak dgor ker"???
and then i need to repeat all my words tadi, tak ke memenatkan aku....
i know la you are cantik enough, enough to make other people looking at your face, rite!!! but listen sometime you oso have to consider others feeling not only yours

conclusion yg bleh aku buat just "seal my lips" tuk org yg mcm tuh....

but thanks to Allah coz i already found one yg aku leh share almost eberyting suke sgt wlpon ko jauh kat ceruk tuh...(agak2 leh tak buat telepati dgn mggunakan unconscious mind haha... mrepek gile aku)

so utk mghilang kan kefed dupan aku tuk org2 yg mcm tu aku ignore dorg balik haha... what comes around comes around babeh...biaq pi org nak kate ape,aku peduli ape... ahaks suke aku!!!


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