Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ABC 99

ABC 99 meaning Asma Ul Husna Building Character 99 kursus yg danjur kan oleh Change Management... sedikit sbyk agak mberi makna pada diri aku sendiri... coz byk jugak yg aku boleh pelajari and hopefully aku boleh 'retain' ape yg aku dpt dlam kursus tu supaya x tergolong dlm golongan 'msk telinga kiri, keluar telinga kanan'(tq kpd pihak mgmt yg menghantar krn 'tanpa mu siapa la aku'

Mula2 dgr tajok mcm takot gak nk pegi, sbb tajok2nye semua agak berat... tp bila dh berada di sana.... perasaan menjadi seronok krn "nasib baik aku pergi" kalo tak tak dpt la aku merasa pengalaman ni...

Antara topic yg di cover dlm program tu ie:

1.Attitude Building
2.Spritual and Emotion
3.Exploring Inner Journey
4.Explorimg outher Journey
5.Action and Impact
6.Judgement Day
7.Your believe
8.Explore the secret of your focus

*Most of the topic touch on us as a muslim as a caliph in this world in islamic perspective about the do's and the don'ts regarding the Life Style and Work Environment .

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