Friday, February 13, 2009

it's my birthday

today is my birthday, share together this enjoyment are my sister (jauh di mata, dekat di hati),cousin (wlpon aku x wish kat ko tp aku ingat),frend(aku baru tau tadi tu pon frendster yg inform- sory hehe) plus with some student who born in February.(you know who you are)

But actually there is nothing much that i do either celebrate it or hang up with frends. Coz since i was young i neve celebrate it except, back then in 2007 if im not mistaken my frends aka rumet had done surprise birthday for me... it kind weird thing(enough la with doa yg ari2 kte doa tu, not only for special occasion-je we all need to bdoa) bagi aku laa... (aku maksudkan parti2 harijadi not majlis2 agama okey)

but guys!!! i really appreciate what have you done even only 4 of us hehe...(i mean it)not forgetting the donor of the cake hehe...(no wonder la ko mtk aku hadiah taun lepas masa ko pye besday rupe nye aku tak bls budi ko lagi hehe) nanti la aku hadiah kat ko taun ni yek haha... tu pon kalo aku berduit.....

utk diri aku sendiri aku berharap cita2 aku taun ni tercapai la hendaknya, dmurahkan rezki dan sentiasa berada di bwh lindungan dan rahmat dari Allah S.W.T

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