Tuesday, February 23, 2010

piece of life...

When talk about life, we wonder what will happen in the future, because we live in unpredicted, uncertainty, insecure world...

let's say u've got everything rite now, but we neve noe what will happen, maybe u'll lost everything that u have in one moment...

unless u've a six sense to do prediction. anybody possess that power?? so they me what i'll be in 10 years time, will i change for gud or turn out to be bad person...

some people said life isn't unfair, "i should get better than this". true but who the HELL are u to said something like that??? are u God or something??? Hey we are just human being (ordinary people) don't you get it?? ermm i guess you should know better about life. life is not easier tipula kalo orang ckp life is fairy tales, there are not such thing is a fake man...

and life is not like u'r freely to pointing finger on others if u stumble, that's not rite people!! its about how u can accept and accommodate, try to adapt and adopt to live within, even it takes u a hard work and pain as long as it doesn't kill ur soul.

p/s: ur soul died if u sold ur soul

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